Krakow Township - ZBA County: Presque Isle, State: Michigan
To participate in the meeting you may:
Sign in using your Laptop, phone, desktop, tablet or any other smart device
Call in using a plan o' telephone using a toll number
312-626-6799 US (Chicago)
Call in using a plan o' telephone number toll free
800-929-5041 or 231-771-0099
When you call in you will be placed in a meeting room until the moderator and host are ready. This meeting hosted by C.C.C. and under the full control of the township.
Meeting has been canceled
"CCC Meetings" is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Krakow Township Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
Time: May 5, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting with a smart device using your browser or the zoom AP
Meeting ID: 982 943 750
Dial by your location - not a toll free number
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 982 943 750
Find your local number:
Call in Phone participation limits
Here is a list of what the participants can do if they call into a CCC meeting through 312 626 6799. These controls are not available if you call in on the 800 number or 231 number. All calls are muted until the Chairperson removes the muted conversation. Raising your hand will notify the Chairperson that you wish to make a comment. The ensure meeting flow - please wait for a response. After raising your hand and your call is unmuted please announce your name and address before commenting.
• *6 – Mute/Unmute Self (if host or co-host allows)
• *9 – Raise Hand for Host or co-host Attention
Call in Limits
All calls using the 800 or 231 number will be grouped as one caller. The chairperson will designate when the mute function will be removed for this group. Please be respectful when making comments. This grouping has the least level of control for the chairperson. The group can be muted or unmuted there is no additional level of control. We ask that you announce your name and address before speaking.
Meeting Flow
Rules of the meeting will be published once released by the township.