List of Projects
RDOF involves 2,300 square miles of area and 950 miles of fiber. For an update on each county associated with RDOF support please following the link to
We will continue to work on improving our fixed point wireless and targeted fiber projects while we complete RDOF.
Presque Isle Township, Krakow Township and Posen Township
Feasibility Study and Proof of Concept completed. Multiple major employers connected. This project has been placed on hold until we can determine the impact of the three RDOF awardees. CCC was successful in obtaining RDOF support in other regions.
Ridge Run - Cheboygan County
Successfully installed over 25 miles of fiber. The project passed 125 households and 92 of the homes passed have been connected to the internet through fiber. CCC has been awarded RDOF support in a census block group just west and south of Ridge Run. Our plans are to build on Ridge Run to service this new area. RDOF targeted 22 households. CCC is targeting 300 households. We look forward to connecting these new locations to our growing fiber plant.
Ramblewood - Leelanau County
We have been servicing this area for over 10 years using Fixed Point Wireless. CCC received RDOF support enabling extending our Gills Pier fiber plant within close proximity to Ramblewood. 2021 we updated our lease with the county and will be increasing the capacity to Ramblewood using Point to Point wireless. Once the RDOG mainline fiber has been installed we will focus on converting all households in the area to fiber. We encourage everyone to sign the petition at
Gills Pier - Birchwood - Leelanau County
2020 CCC successfully installed 2 miles of fiber along Gills Pier road and establish a central office. Once the frost laws are lifted we will continue construction. Our goal is to pass 300 households. Sign Up at The project will install 30 miles of fiber and service households on Gills Pier, Leelanad woods, Birchwood, Omigisee, Onomonee, Carlson road and the area along M-22.
Elk Rapids - Antrim County
2020 CCC successfully constructed fiber from Acme to Elk Rapids along US31. We will begin to accept reservations for fiber to the home at
Guthrie lakes - Crawford County
2020 we continue to collect reservation forms and attempting to quantify demand
Twin Trails - Cheboygan County
Williamsburg - Grand Traverse County
Williamsburg is critical as a launching site for completing the RDOF Grand Traverse County support sites. We encourage everyone to sign up at
Castle Farms area - Charlevoix County
2020 we successfully constructed 3.5 miles of fiber and connected 17 households. Spring of 2021 we will continue to connect the Castle Farms community to fiber.
4-Mile - Skyline - Crawford County
2020 CCC successfully constructed 2 miles of fiber along 4-mile.